Awesome custom effects pedals, like Spaghetti Western Fuzz!
Great Surf Music Festivals
Asbury Park Surf Music Festival, Surfer Joe, Valencia Surforama Music Festival,
Surf Guitar 101 Convention, Ohana Luau by the Lake, Great Lakes Surf Battle,
Mexico City Wild O'Fest, Florida's Hukilau
Little Steven's Underground Garage
The one and only, singing, rocking, massively hip Soprano supports great music old and new, on the radio.
Yeah, they talk over the surf music, but at least they play some!
Great Surf Message Board
Phil Dirt's great surf radio/internet radio show on Saturday nights and web site from California
Get NESMArized! Includes a complete list of upcoming surf music events in the Tri-State Area
Get the straight dope from Roger Ebert. Also here's a great Trailer Pulp Fiction Trailer
Tricia's Pulp 2001 Videos
How would Tarantino have scored 2001? It might go something like this...
Green Hornet Lonely Shepherd Twisted Nerve Misirlou Stuck in the Middle Goodnight Moon
Every F*ck from Every Tarantino Movie - thru 2015
Great Message Board for QT Stuff
More facts, discussion and trivia